Albert Nkwasa is a water and climate scientist interested in addressing global challenges through robust modelling of the interactions between people and their environment, with a specific interest on water quality. After obtaining an MSc in Water Resources Engineering at KU Leuven (2019), he embarked on a PhD fellowship at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2020), focusing on ‘’global change impacts on non-point source pollution of water resources in Africa’’ under the great supervision of Prof. Ann van Griensven


PhD research

Global change impacts on non-point source pollution of water resources in Africa

Date 2020 - 2024
Supervisors Ann VAN GRIENSVEN

In many parts of Africa, land use changes such as agricultural expansion are degrading the water quality of water resources. Concurrently, climate change adds a new uncertainty with regards to water quality. However, Africa remains a blind-spot in non-point source (NPS) pollution research. This PhD aims to advance our ability to predict NPS water pollution for Africa under global change drivers while laying a basis for further NPS pollution research from continental to global scales.

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